Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wushi waves

Dave gets one in the background
the peak
rollin' in...

Perfect day, clear cool water and swell hitting the east coast more than the north. Wushi harbour wall was the pick, but there were literally 150 guys out. Waiting on the set proved a winner, just off the edge of the peak. It cleaned up many of the inside guys and there were long blue walls to have lots of fun on. I hesitate to say it was too good after last week's spray, but who was REAL GOOD! Maybe 'anonymous' was home tuggin' on something while the rest of us were out having fun... (slide show above)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Ball delivers again...

Dan waits out the back in the bottom pic here on his longboard. Right at this spot, there was a peaking takeoff and then big thick slabs which then rushed across the first inner section like lightning. Dave got Dan's call and Green Ball was on today. Not perfect conditions but good power 3-4 foot sets and lots of great waves for all. The 2 boys had it to themselves for an hour when the local boys "witchin' hour" kicked in...the waves were actually better then...

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Girls just want to have fun...

This is what surfing is really all about. Gary, Emma and Lucy star here and I'll just let the pictures tell the story...