Monday, January 30, 2012

While cold and wet in Taiwan,.....Bali was different!

While it was cold and wet in Taiwan for the majority of the week...........
Big Gazza scored some pumping sessions in Bali over the break. Serangan had good surf every day with some days really amped up. He grabbed the camera to take a few shots after one session (above) and reports that his old body just managed to hold together throughout!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nan Ao t of this world!

WOW! What a day. Dan drove Zef, Dave and Simon down to Nan Ao after an early morning start at 4.45. We were in the water at 7 and it was stellar. Powerful walls, crumbling takeoff before a steep drive into the bank and the best waves screamed down the line to ease out on the shoreline 100 metres away from the take off zone. Everyone had at least two sessions, wringing the most from the day. Dan was ripping on his Chili shortboard, Zef was showing surfing maturity beyond his years (and courage!) and Simon and Dave each got a slew of beauties to put in the memory bank. Dave appears to have injured a rib or two, injury occurring on the very first wave of the day... Update: just back from hospital, one fracture, no displacement, lot of muscle tear, but should "recover quickly"...righto Doc, I'll hold you to that!