Sunday, May 23, 2010


Swell and wind charts indicate possible offshore and fair swell height for northern beaches: east coast live and still pics only show a tiny swell, but you never know...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A feast of surf on the box

Got the set top box? If so, tune in tomorrow evening to a feast of surfing on Australia Network. First at 6 is a docu on the great Alby Falzon who did some amazing work including Morning of the Earth, Crystal Voyager and other films. Then at 7.30 is the first part of Bombora, a history of surfing. At 9pm, Alby's legendary film, Morning of the Earth is on. Check the video above or here for a taste: the opening wave is a very deserted Lennox Head or Angourie on the Australian NSW North Coast

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pointies nice 3 ft little peaks provided some much needed respite from the 1 ft dribblers that have been hitting the North Coast over the last month. With an interesting assortment of quads, singles and a few traditional thrusters a good size crew hit the water, devouring and being devoured by some fantastic little waves. (words and pictures: Robinsons)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Steely gray and shallow banks

Pointies had a bit of a gray look about it after Dave made a spur of the moment decision to go across at lunchtime. Not bad fun though: 2-3 foot, slight onshore waves smackin' on the bank, but every now and then one would shoulder off and give a sharp fast ride either way. He ditched the board after a while and had a good old fashioned body bash on the shallow bank...felt great! (Pointyhat camera again on the blink...working on it!)

Fun times

The fun just never stops at Wushi Gang

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Look out fellas, it's happened. Have a look at Zef looking both ways on the wave, setting his line, looking at the spot, then....nearly pulling off a little forehand lip smack. He's already surfing better than us!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Woooooo shi!

The peak at Wushi is going off this morning and even the bowling alley down the road looks OK.