Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Thanks to Tobes for these gems....we'll start with "A" and re-visit from time to time

The following surfing terms are taken from
The Surfin’ary by Trevor Cralle

Accessory Man: A guy who always has all the unnecessary accessories like visor, webbed gloves, reef walkers, etc.

Aggro: Australian slang for aggressive behavior, usually in the water.

All Time Hooter: An exceptionally good surf party.

All-Timers Disease: An affliction that causes surfers to overstate the quality of the surf or overemphasize the radicalness of their surfing ability.

Ankle Slapper: A wave that is barely ridable.

Anybody Home?: What you say when paddling out, meaning, “Are there any sharks in the water?”

“Any Waves?”: The first question a surfer asks another surfer.

Aqua Boot: Vomiting into the ocean.

Arm Dance: The waving of the arms out the car windows on the way to surf in order to conjure up the waves.

Asphalt Surfer: Another name for a skateboader.

Asshole: Everyone else in the water.

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