Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunshine and betel nut

The Pillbox was a treat mid-morning. Although Carl and Dave had to wait for the set for a ride, the sun was shining, the water was relatively clear and the water temp not too bad (!)
Plenty of cheeky 2 footers kicked up on the far peak and the right hander went on and on till you were tempted to get re-acquainted with "Ross' rock". The betel nut girls on the way home always provide something to look at!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Lost in Wugu!

Top: blown rocket. Middle: Green Bay suicide rights. Bottom: Green Bay slush out the back.
Wet and wild at the Act Cent, so on to the Rocket (gigantic). Sheltered Green Bay hosted 3 local boys, but Dave tried a few bigger suicide rights into the rock wall.
Carl was following behind but got there as Dave got lost on the expressway ending up at Wugu.
Tobes and Gary got the pick of the weekend yesterday at the centre apparently: nice weather and moderate fun surf. (Apologies for smudge on some photos: Dave's camera playing up)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pillbox Peelers

Not a lot on offer yesterday: Pillty had the odd good looking left, but it was cold, wet and windy. Baishawan (see bottom shot) was even worse...wild stormies bashed through the normally very docile break

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bali Bliss

Johnsy blissed out at Nusa Dua in the break. He got a few here out the front of the club med and a few more at's a hard life!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Merewether Majesty!!

Pointyhat is back in business! I got a little reminder of what real quality surf is all about at home last week. Check these shots out first and I'll explain at the bottom: enjoy....

This surf was just top shelf, but most days it reverted to fun summer surf, light offshores in the morning on 2-3 footers before the Nor-easter got into it. The water was soooo clear and clean. Dave even had an hour or so with the great MR off the rocks at Merewether one day! Tell you what though: 16 degrees cold currents were a bit hard to take! Anyway, back to reality now....