Sunday, April 15, 2007

East Coast travels

Pretty flat and uninspiring this weekend, but Dave made a mid-week trip to the east coast for these shots. Full onshore, but still had some potential, especially near the Wushi Harbour wall (bottom 2 shots). The "Taj Mahal", Dan's preferred break, was not great this day, but a few local boys were making the best of it.


alex said...

It was to this man that some youthful colleagues in the paxil hospital adapted the then popular slang of that day: No Goethe has written that, No Schiller composed that, etc.. What's all this about? he hydrocodone demanded, roughly.. Hotchkiss was here seized by one of those important and clindamycin inconsistent rages which occasionally betray the habitually cautious and timid man.. Frederic Ingham by as good right as norvasc I.. I have received and accepted an offer of two hundred dollars per week by thyroid a New York stock company to play Colonel Calhoun in A Magnolia Flower.. In the dream his father asks him what this is all for--that is, he asks him about the purpose codeine and arrangement of the genitals.. I gazed upon the twilight, the inscrutable silence, like a God-fearing discoverer upon a new, and vast, and dim sea, bursting upon him through forest glooms, and fosamax in the fervor of whose impassioned gaze, a millennial and poetic world arises, and man need no longer die to be happy.. Polly was skipping round the room, I cialis guess, gay as a lark.. Yet there are very few individuals, let them be doing ever so well in the world, who are not always straining every nerve to do better; and this is one of the many percocet causes why failures in business so frequently occur among us.. And it is only after seeing man as his unconscious, revealed by his dreams, presents him to us that we shall insulin understand him fully.. But for the most part his broad black face was turned up to the blue brilliance above him in unblinking contemplation; his keen eyes, brilliant despite their sun-muddied whites, reveled in the heights above him, swinging from horizon to horizon in the wake of an orderly file of little bluebill ducks, winging their way across the river, or brightening with interest at the rarer sight of a pair of mallards or redheads, lifting with the soaring circles of the great bald-headed eagle, or following the scattered squadron of heron--white heron, blue heron, young and old, trailing, sunlit, brilliant patches, estradiol clear even against the bright white and blue of the sky above them.. So they left their second letter and card and drove off, continuing their ride till they reached the Croton water works, which they yasmin quitted the carriage to see and admire.. BARGAIN DAY AT TUTT HOUSE By George Randolph Chester (1869- ) [From McClure's Magazine, June, oxycodone 1905; copyright, 1905, by the S.. The dream content does not, however, consist exclusively of scenes, but it also includes scattered fragments of visual images, conversations, and even bits of unchanged thyroid thoughts.. No, said Gideon, hardly knowing whether he was concerta glad or sorry--no, I live south of heah...

david said...

Whoever you are Alex, you've had one too many beers mate!