Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wushi waves

Dave gets one in the background
the peak
rollin' in...

Perfect day, clear cool water and swell hitting the east coast more than the north. Wushi harbour wall was the pick, but there were literally 150 guys out. Waiting on the set proved a winner, just off the edge of the peak. It cleaned up many of the inside guys and there were long blue walls to have lots of fun on. I hesitate to say it was too good after last week's spray, but who was REAL GOOD! Maybe 'anonymous' was home tuggin' on something while the rest of us were out having fun... (slide show above)


Anonymous said...

david, you sound a little too insecure for someone professing to be such a "happy go lucky only in it for the fun" kinda surfer guy. get over yourself mate

Anonymous said...

Quite secure enough to name myself at least...I'm going to get off this thread now, as it's disturbing my "only in it for the fun" kinda vibe. Peace!

Anonymous said...

nice waves!

Anonymous said...

I had planned a nice trip over to Wushi on Sunday, but then my girlfriend 'pulled rank' and said we should do something else because I've got a ocean swim next weekend. Her reasoning was that this made it her turn to choose something to do this weekend...DAMN YOU, 'FAIRNESS'! THOSE WAVES LOOK GOOOOD!

Anonymous said...

Oh Danny, fairness is a bummer! Take some solace in the fact that although conditions were great, there was a fair crowd and you had to do a lot of dodgin' and weavin'. Good luck in the swim...