Sunday, August 28, 2011

Typhoon tribulations

Pillbox flat

Rocket was the best option

Zef paddles for a wave

Dan (above and below)

Every spot from the Pilly to the Rocket was either flat or blown out mush. Dan, Chris and Zef reported Green Bay to be messy, so the Rocket it was for them and Dave. We couldn't believe this was it for the weekend typhoon swell: either bad locations, bad timing or both. Anyway, a touch of fun was had at the Rocket. Aaron reported that an over zealous coastguard had closed Baishawan earlier in the was flat when Dave drove past. Another ominous sign of possible things to come: the Pillbox has been "beautified" with a coastal walk so more people will see it now: hopefully the ever-present pig farm stink will continue to keep them away!

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