Sunday, August 12, 2012

We're back!

Dave and Ross caught a few at the isolated spot known as Bluetops on the south coast of NZ down from Dunedin. Newcastle also had its fair share of pumping swell over the break and some good waves were to be had on the shoulders of the swell window. Gary reports rare overhead barrels in front of his place in Queensland. How did everyone else fare? Let me know...


Terry from Taichung said...

I catch huge waves of south africa coast. I lose my camera so have no photo.

david said...

Don't know if we can believe you Terry....we need the photos mate! How big was it?

Nige from Narlaroo said...

C'mon Tezza ya pidgin English spouting little prick. Put up or shut up!

Terry from Taichung said...

It was 40 foot...I can do drawing for you.

Nige from Narlaroo said...

Tezza ya wanker, you'll notice there's no way to link to any fantasy finger paintings you may be able to scratch out. Looks like they measure waves the same way they do IQ points in your neck of the woods - way over what they really are!

david said...

I'm just loving seeing terry and Nige going at each other here. You boys should get together....I'm sure you'd end up being the best of mates!!

Nige from Narlaroo said...

Sounds good Dave. I might have to bring the track guide to interpret what the hell he's saying though.