Dan waits out the back in the bottom pic here on his longboard. Right at this spot, there was a peaking takeoff and then big thick slabs which then rushed across the first inner section like lightning. Dave got Dan's call and Green Ball was on today. Not perfect conditions but good power 3-4 foot sets and lots of great waves for all. The 2 boys had it to themselves for an hour when the local boys "witchin' hour" kicked in...the waves were actually better then...
sounds like teahuppo from the description - looks like typical north taiwan shit
agreed it aint looking too flash in the pic's but ya can't knock a guy for frothing
I don't usually justify my comments but in this case, I'll make an exception. We actually like surfing, so try to put a positive spin on what we get, unlike "anonymous". Mate, if you're this negative, I think it's about time you looked to buy that ticket home...
Word to you, lads. In this life, everything's relative, and those look like some fun waves to me. It's like that ol' chesnut that "The best surfer is the one who's having the most fun". Words to live by!
i' m with you danny...but have to admit the caption's a bit of a crack up
Show me a surfer who never exaggerated, and I'll show you a...
I do like these opinions expressed by Danny. I am a very simple life long surfer with limited talent. When I say something's good, it probably means I've got a couple of good waves, made a couple of turns, it's been solid enough to forgive many of my errors and I've come home with a bit of a buzz. If you don't want a bit of hyperbole, don't read this blog, because I always talk it up! See you in the water...
Ive just discovered this dialogue a bit late. The Ball still throws up a better wave than I can find in Taichung. Keep on surfin and having fun Dave.
Terry from Taichung
The Ball rocks...and i've seen dave rip some overhead fast waves there....the pics never do it true justice....probably a good thing. thanks for a fun site. jim
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